Words matter. Our CEO, David James, recently sat down with a group of our clients to seek their input about a number of issues. One of the topics that came up was how we should refer to our “clients” with disabilities. Many terms have been used by agencies in our field over the years, including: consumers, clients, customers, and so forth. After a few minutes, a young man named David said, “How about friends?” We liked that idea a LOT! It matches our culture as an agency. Our clients really are our friends – and we hope to be theirs. So whenever possible, we now refer to our clients as our friends – and that really is how we feel about them.
Do you know the ONE THING you can do right now that would have the single greatest impact on our agency and the friends we serve?
Become a friend!
Please consider joining “The Arc Volusia Circle of Friends” today!
Annual membership is just:
- $25 for an individual
- $50 for a family
- $10 for a self advocate (Someone with a disability)
Membership in our “Circle of Friends” is important because a big part of what we do is ADVOCACY

It was David who suggested we should start referring to those we serve as “friends” rather than “clients.”
on behalf of the people we serve at the State and National levels. This population is among the most marginalized and disenfranchised, but there are frighteningly few people speaking up for them.
When you become a member, you are joining your voice with 140,000 others, making us stronger, and making sure that David’s voice is heard!
- Join our circle of Friends online today.
- Join via text message from your smartphone by texting “friends” to 41444
- Mail a check to:
The Arc Volusia, 100 Jimmy Huger Circle, Daytona Beach, FL 32117
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