The smiling faces that make up our Arc of Volusia Adult Day Training Programs in Daytona Beach and DeLand are more than just ‘clients’ or ‘participants’… they’re FAMILY. Twice a year, at Thanksgiving and Christmas, we all gather around the holiday table as a family to celebrate the season. With more than 140 program attendees and 22 staff members, holiday celebrations are quite a large undertaking, and outside the scope of our daily programming budget.
As the time of gratitude and togetherness approaches, we are reaching out to you to help make this holiday season a joyous one for our ‘family’ by contributing to our ‘Celebrate the Season’ fund. Our goal is to ensure that all of our individuals enjoy holiday celebrations (at no cost to them) that will create many happy memories.
Won’t you help us bring comfort and joy to the season?
Please note: The ‘tip’ to our fundraising platform GiveButter is purely optional on the checkout screen and can be adjusted at your discretion.
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